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Tools & Resources

Rental Assistance for Renters in Miami-Dade

Get up to $3,000/month towards owed rent if you are unable to pay due to the pandemic. Apply as soon as possible, this program will remain open until funds are exhausted.

The Virtual Hub For All Things Miami Gardens

Empowering Residents, Connecting Communities, Building Alliances, Amplifying Voices, Spotlighting Talent, Resources, Activities, Events, Jobs and more.

CDBG Housing Rehabilitation

The City of Stuart received $750,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Housing Rehabilitation Program to renovate homes that need repairs and bring them to minimum standards. Click the "Learn More" button to apply.

406 East Amelia Street
Orlando, FL, 32803


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Faith in Florida is a 501(c)(3). Faith in Florida and its affiliates are non-partisan and are not aligned explicitly or implicitly with any candidate or party.

We do not endorse or support candidates for office.

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